The Comprehensive Guide to Cost Allocation in Accounting

Accounting is a fascinating field, and cost allocation is one of the most important concepts in accounting. Whether you’re an accounting student or an accountant just starting out, it’s important to understand how to allocate costs.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything from what it means to its pros and cons.

How Can Costs Be Allocated Among Departments or Product Lines When There Is No Clear Source?

Allocation is distributing costs among different departments or product lines in an organization. Trying to accurately estimate the cost of producing a good or rendering a service is a common challenge for many businesses.

This is especially true when there is no apparent source of the costs, as it requires the use of various techniques and methods to distribute the expenses fairly and reasonably.

What Is the Concept of Allocation?

Allocation (also known as “cost allocation”) is a process used to distribute the costs of a shared resource or expense among different departments, product lines, or activities within an organization.

This process is necessary to accurately determine the cost of producing a product, providing a service, or running a business. Allocation allows firms to identify the expenses incurred by each department or product line and helps make informed decisions about allocating resources.

The allocation concept has existed for centuries and is a fundamental part of modern accounting and financial management. The cost allocation process involves assigning costs to specific departments or product lines based on objective criteria, such as resource use or the benefit received from the expense.

The objective criteria used in the allocation process may vary depending on the type of business, but the goal is always to distribute the costs fairly and reasonably.

One of the main challenges of allocation is that many expenses cannot be traced directly to a specific department or product line. For example, the cost of electricity used to run a manufacturing plant cannot be directly traced to one particular product line.

In such cases, the cost of electricity must be allocated to different departments or product lines based on objective criteria, such as the number of hours each department uses the electricity or the production output of each product line.

There are different methods of allocation, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Some of the most common ways include direct allocation, step-down allocation, sequential allocation, and activity-based allocation. Each mode uses a different approach to allocating costs, but the goal is always to ensure that the costs are distributed fairly and reasonably.

What Doesn’t the Term Allocation Mean?

The term allocation” is commonly used in various contexts, such as finance, economics, project management, and resource management. However, it’s essential to understand that allocation ” doesn’t mean “equal distribution” or “uniform distribution” of resources.

Allocation refers to assigning a portion of resources, such as time, money, or labor, to specific tasks or activities. The goal of allocation is to optimize the use of resources to achieve the desired outcomes.

One of the most common misunderstandings about allocation is that it means dividing resources equally among tasks or activities. However, this is only sometimes the case. Resources are often not distributed evenly because different tasks or activities have different requirements and priorities.

For example, in project management, some jobs may require more time, money, or labor than others. In such cases, the project manager must allocate more resources to these critical tasks to ensure the project’s success.

Another misunderstanding about allocation is that it means distributing resources inflexibly and rigidly. Allocation is a flexible process that can be adjusted based on priorities or changes in resource availability. For example, in a business setting, the budget allocation may change based on market conditions or changes in customer demand. In these situations, the business must be able to reallocate its resources to respond to these changes.

The allocation also doesn’t mean that the resources are assigned once and never adjusted. Allocation is an ongoing process requiring constant monitoring and adjustments to ensure that resources are used optimally.

For example, in finance, the allocation of investments must be reviewed regularly to ensure that the portfolio is aligned with the investor’s goals and objectives.

Another misconception about allocation is that it only applies to tangible resources, such as money or equipment. However, allocation also applies to intangible resources like time and labor. These intangible resources are often more critical and limited than tangible ones. For example, allocating time is crucial in project management to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.

As you can see, allocation is a complex and flexible process that requires careful consideration of multiple factors, such as resource availability, priorities, and goals. It’s essential to understand that allocation doesn’t mean equal distribution or limited distribution of resources.

Instead, it’s a dynamic process that requires ongoing monitoring and adjustments to ensure the optimal use of resources. By avoiding common misconceptions about allocation, individuals and organizations can more effectively allocate their resources and achieve their desired outcomes.

Where the Term Allocation Originated From?

The word “allocation” comes from the Latin word “allocare.” The word allocation ” refers to setting aside or assigning a particular portion, amount, or portion of something for a specific purpose or recipient.

The allocation comes from the Latin prefix ad- (meaning “to”) and the noun loci (meaning “place”). The combination of these two words implies the idea of assigning a place, or portion of something, for a specific purpose.

In finance and economics, “allocation” refers to distributing resources, such as money, to different projects or initiatives based on their perceived importance and likelihood of success.

The allocation concept is ancient and can be traced back to the earliest civilizations, where resources were allocated based on the community’s needs. In early societies, central planning or direct control by the ruling class were common methods of allocation.

However, with the advent of market-based economies, the allocation has become more decentralized and is now primarily done through the market mechanism of supply and demand.

In modern economies, allocation is crucial in ensuring that resources are used efficiently and effectively. For example, in capital allocation, investors allocate their funds to different projects and businesses based on the perceived potential return on investment. This helps direct investment toward the most promising and profitable opportunities, thereby increasing the economy’s overall efficiency.

Similarly, prices play a crucial role in allocating goods and services in directing resources to where they are most needed. In a market economy, the interaction of supply and demand determines prices. When demand for a particular good or service is high, the price will increase, directing more resources toward its production. On the other hand, when demand is low, the price will decrease, reducing the allocation of resources to its production.

Government policies and regulations can also have an impact on allocation in addition to the market mechanism. For example, the government may allocate resources to specific sectors through funding or subsidies, such as education or healthcare.

Similarly, government regulations and taxes can also impact the allocation of resources by affecting the incentives for businesses and individuals to allocate their resources in a particular way.

How Allocation Relates to Accounting?

In accounting, allocation determines the cost of producing a product or providing a service. This information is then used to create accurate financial statements and make informed decisions about allocating resources in the future.

For example, a company may allocate resources to a new product line based on the expected revenue it will generate or distribute costs to specific departments based on their usage of resources.

The allocation also plays a crucial role in cost accounting. Cost accounting involves analyzing the cost of production, including direct and indirect costs, and using this information to make decisions about pricing and resource allocation.

By accurately allocating costs, a company can determine the actual cost of production and make informed decisions about pricing, production volume, and resource allocation.

In addition, allocation is used to allocate the costs of long-term assets, such as property, plant, and equipment. This is done through the process of depreciation, which is a systematic allocation of the cost of an asset over its useful life. Depreciation is used to determine the value of an investment for financial reporting purposes and the amount of tax that a company must pay.

Finally, allocation is also used in the budgeting process. In budgeting, an organization allocates resources to various departments and activities based on their priorities and goals. By accurately allocating resources, a company can ensure that it has enough resources to meet its goals and objectives while staying within its budget.

3 Examples of Allocation Being Used in Accounting Practice

Example #1 of Allocation Being Used in Accounting Practice

Allocating the Cost of Goods Sold In accounting, “cost of goods sold” (COGS) refers to the direct costs associated with producing a product or providing a service. These costs include the raw materials, labor, and overhead expenses incurred to produce the goods. COGS is crucial in determining a company’s gross profit because it represents the cost of producing and selling a product.

One example of allocation in accounting practice is when a company allocates the cost of goods sold to each product. This is done to understand the cost of producing each product and identify the most profitable products.

The allocation process involves dividing the total COGS by the number of units sold to arrive at an average cost per unit. This average cost per unit is then applied to each unit of product sold to determine the COGS for that specific product.

This allocation process is vital because it allows the company to accurately determine the cost of producing each product. This information is then used to make informed business decisions such as pricing strategies, production decisions, and cost control measures.

For example, suppose a company realizes that the cost of producing one product is much higher than the cost of producing another. In that case, it may choose to discontinue the higher-cost product or find ways to reduce the cost of production.

Example #2 of Allocation Being Used in Accounting Practice

One example of allocation in accounting practice is allocating indirect costs to different departments or products within a company. Indirect costs, such as rent, utilities, and office supplies, cannot be directly traced to a specific product or department. These costs must be allocated among different departments or products to calculate the cost of each accurately.

For example, consider a manufacturing company with three departments: production, research and development, and administration. The company has a total indirect cost of $100,000 for the year, which includes rent, utilities, and office supplies.

The company might determine the proportion of space each department uses to allocate these costs. If production uses 40% of the total space, R&D uses 30%, and administration uses 30%, the company would allocate 40% of the indirect costs to production, 30% to R&D, and 30% to administration.

Next, the company might allocate indirect costs based on the number of employees in each department. If production has 20 employees, R&D has 15, and administration has 10, the company would allocate indirect costs based on the ratio of employees in each department.

In this example, production would receive 40% of the indirect costs, R&D would receive 30%, and administration would receive 30%.

Finally, the company might allocate indirect costs based on the number of products produced in each department. If production produces 1000 products, R&D produces 500, and administration produces none, the company would allocate indirect costs based on the ratio of products produced in each department.

In this example, production would receive 67% of the indirect costs, R&D would receive 25%, and administration would receive 8%.

Example #3 of Allocation Being Used in Accounting Practice

Suppose a manufacturing company produces two products: Product A and Product B. To determine the cost of each product, the company must allocate the factory overhead costs, including utilities, rent, maintenance, and supplies, among other expenses. The overhead costs must be assigned to each product based on the proportion of total machine hours used to produce each product.

For example, if the company uses 60% of the total machine hours to produce Product A and 40% to produce Product B, then 60% of the factory overhead costs would be allocated to Product A and 40% to Product B. The company would then use the allocated overhead costs and the direct costs of material and labor to calculate the total cost of each product.

The allocation of overhead costs to each product is critical for the company to accurately determine the cost of goods sold and price its products competitively. The company can use an allocation method to ensure a fair and accurate picture of the costs of producing each product.

How to Do Cost Allocation in Simple Steps?

Cost allocation can be complex, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are five simple steps for cost allocation:

Step 1: Identify the Costs That Need to Be Allocated

The first step in cost allocation is identifying the costs that need to be allocated. This includes both direct and indirect costs. Direct costs can be easily traced to specific products or services, while indirect costs, such as rent and utilities, cannot.

Step 2: Choose the Appropriate Method of Cost Allocation

Once you have identified the costs that need to be allocated, the next step is to choose the appropriate cost allocation method. The most common methods include direct cost allocation, step-down allocation, sequential allocation, and activity-based costing. The method chosen will depend on the nature of the costs and the objectives of the cost allocation process.

Step 3: Determine the Allocation Base

The allocation base is the basis on which the costs will be allocated. This can be the number of units produced, the number of employees, or any other relevant factor that can be used to determine the cost of goods or services.

Step 4: Allocate the Costs

Once you have determined the allocation base, the next step is to allocate the costs. This can be done by dividing the total cost by the number of units, employees, or another relevant factor and multiplying this by the number of units, employees, or another relevant factor for each product, service, or department.

Step 5: Review and Adjust the Cost Allocation

Once the costs have been allocated, the final step is to review and adjust the cost allocation as necessary. This may involve reallocating costs based on new information or changes in the business.

Which Industries Can Cost Allocation Be Applied?

With the proper guidance, cost allocation can be applied to almost any industry. It’s all about the data you have and how you use it.

Let’s take a look at some of the industries that could benefit from cost allocation:


The healthcare industry is one of the most expensive in the world. It is also one of the most heavily regulated. These factors make cost allocation a necessity for many healthcare providers.

Healthcare organizations have many different costs, but the most significant sources are labor and supplies. Labor costs can be very high in this industry because it requires highly skilled people to perform various tasks, including surgery, patient care, and patient education. Supplies like bandages and IV bags are also expensive because they have to be sterile and meet regulatory requirements.

A hospital’s supply department has much control over its budget, but it also has little control over what happens in other departments, such as surgery or patient care. This makes it difficult to allocate costs accurately when they don’t know how much they will spend on supplies or how many patients they’ll see each year.

Cost allocation helps solve these problems by allowing managers to see which departments are consuming the most resources. They can adjust accordingly without guessing what’s happening behind closed doors (or behind locked doors).


The manufacturing industry is one of the most common places where cost allocation can be applied. In this industry, it is crucial to know how much it costs to make each product and how much it costs to produce goods (including materials and labor) for sale.

With this information, manufacturers can determine how much they need to charge for their products to cover all of their expenses, including overhead costs like rent or electricity bills.

Cost allocation can also help manufacturers determine which products are more profitable than others so that they can focus on those areas instead of wasting time and money on less popular lines of goods. For example, suppose a company produces clothing and electronics but finds its clothing line more popular among consumers than its electronics line.

In that case, it may want to stop producing electronics altogether because there would need to be more demand for these products for them to make any money off of them.


This is an industry that benefits from cost allocation. Energy companies have long been able to allocate costs to different projects and branches, but they often face challenges when assigning overhead expenses. That’s because overhead costs are shared among the company’s functions, making them difficult to track.

Cost allocation software can help energy companies assign overhead expenses in a way that makes sense for each project or branch. The software also allows them to better understand where their money is going and gives them more flexibility in budgeting and forecasting future expenses.


Retailers are a great example of an industry that can benefit from cost allocation.

Retailers are often sold on the idea of one-stop shopping: you go to a store and buy everything you need, from clothing to food to furniture. But in reality, there are many different types of retailers, such as grocery stores, department stores, clothing stores, etc. And each has its own distinct set of costs for running that type of business. So how do these retailers know how much each product line contributes to their overall profits? They use cost allocation.

Cost allocation is a technique for allocating overhead costs across product lines based on their relative importance to the company’s overall performance. This way, retailers can determine which products contribute most (or least) to their bottom line and make decisions accordingly.

Information Technology

Information technology (IT) is one of the most significant cost allocation areas. IT costs are often divided into two categories: direct costs and indirect costs. The former refers to those costs that can be directly attributed to a particular project or product, while the latter refers to those costs that cannot be directly attributed.

Cost allocation in IT has many benefits. It helps managers determine how much it costs to develop a new product or service and where inefficiencies lie in their IT departments.

It also allows them to understand better how much revenue they’re generating from each product or service line, which will help them make better decisions about future investments in the company’s infrastructure.


This is one of the most apparent industries to apply cost allocation. Construction projects are often massive and complex, with many different stakeholders involved in the planning, execution, and completion of a project. It’s common for construction projects to have hundreds or thousands of contracts with hundreds or thousands of different suppliers.

Cost allocation helps ensure that those involved in the project are paid what they’re owed without overpaying anyone else who participated. It’s also used to ensure that a company only spends a little money on a project by ensuring that every expense is only charged once.


This is the industry that can benefit the most from cost allocation.

Transportation has many parts that must work in unison to transport goods or passengers. It can be difficult to determine which part of a vehicle’s operation should be allocated to specific parts, and it usually requires a lot of math.

Cost allocation can make it easier for companies in this industry to understand which parts are costing them more than they expected so that they can make changes accordingly.

Food and Beverage

Food and beverage companies can benefit significantly from cost allocation. These companies are typically comprised of many different departments that must be managed to ensure the entire business runs smoothly. Each department has specific costs that it incurs, so allocating those costs among all of the departments will help you understand where your money is going and how it can be used most effectively.

Cost allocation is also helpful when dealing with food or beverage products because it allows you to track the costs associated with each product line and make sure you profit on every product line. This way, you know what kinds of products are selling well, which ones aren’t selling as well, and how much money each product line has made for your company.

Real Estate

This is one of the most common industries to use cost allocation methods. Real estate developers often create multiple project phases, which must be accounted for separately. The costs of these phases are usually allocated to determine how much profit (or loss) will be made in each phase.

This lets developers decide which phases should be completed first and what incentives may be offered to convince buyers to purchase units from those phases.


Utilities are another excellent example of an industry where cost allocation can be used.

They must deal with various costs, including purchasing raw materials, paying for labor, and buying equipment. The type of utility and the sector it operates in determine the cost of each of these. For example, a water utility may have very high costs for purchasing raw materials but low costs for labor and employee benefits because they only need a few employees or benefit packages.

Cost allocation can help utilities determine how much money they should spend on each part of their business so that they’re not overspending on one part while underinvesting in another.

Pros of Cost Allocation

Cost allocation is a common business practice. Companies use it to help determine the profitability of individual products, services, and departments within a company. Here are the pros of cost allocation: