Planning Controls (LEP & DCP)

Council has a number of plans, policies and strategies that help shape future development within the City of Canada Bay.

To find out which plans and policies apply to a particular property, go to Council's DA and Property Enquiry Tool and enter the property details in the property enquiry screen, then download the relevant documents from the list below.

The Canada Bay Local Environmental Plan (LEP) was gazetted on Friday, 19 July 2013 and consists of a written document and maps that includes details such as land zoning, heritage, floor space ratio, height of buildings and acid sulfate soils.

Current LEP

The current LEP written document and maps can be viewed on the NSW Legislation website.

Draft LEP

Draft amendments that have been placed on public exhibition can be viewed on our Planning Proposals page on Collaborate Canada Bay.

The City of Canada Bay Development Control Plan (DCP) contains design controls for various types of development. These provisions support the Canada Bay Local Environmental Plan and apply to all land within the Canada Bay Local Government Area, except for the sites listed in Site or Precinct Specific Development Control Plans.

Download the City of Canada Bay Development Control Plan

Supporting information

The Development Control Plans (DCPs) listed below contain site and precinct specific controls for land that is not covered by the Canada Bay Development Control Plan.

Other DCPs

The City of Canada Bay has a number of planning policies that are used to guide all types of development within the local government area:

Council has adopted a Community Participation Plan that encourages effective and meaningful opportunity for community participation in land use planning matters. To view a copy of this plan, click here.

Flood studies

Flood studies commissioned by the City of Canada Bay:

For more information on the above studies please contact Council's Strategic Asset Services and Innovation Team on 9911 6555.

Flood Studies commissioned by the NSW Government:

Other investigations

Flood related development controls

Please refer to the City of Canada Bay Development Control Plan for flood related development controls and engineering specifications.

For more information in relation to the application of the development controls and engineering specifications please contact Council's Strategic Asset Services and Innovation Team on 9911 6555.

Planning Certificates

Item 9 of a planning certificate asks two flood related questions:

1. Is the land or part of the land within the flood planning area and subject to flood related development controls?

2. Is the land or part of the land between the flood planning area and the probable maximum flood and subject to flood related development controls?

Council is only able to accurately answer these questions if a flood study has been undertaken which includes the subject land. If a flood study has been undertaken then the responses to the questions on the certificate will either be ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for all of the land located within the study boundary. If no flood study has been undertaken, then the response on the certificate will be ‘Unknown’.

Please discuss the implications of any flood information on your planning certificate with a suitably qualified engineer. If your engineer needs additional information, then please contact Council's Strategic Asset Services and Innovation Team on 02 9911 6555.

Our Public Mapping Service is an easy to use online mapping system that will allow you to view and print a range of planning related information relevant to the City of Canada Bay.

For more information about the Public Mapping Service and how to use it, please visit the Online Help page. Please note that the Help page can also be accessed from within the public mapping service.

Please visit our Public Mapping Service webpage for more information.