Removal of personal property clause samples

Removal of Personal Property.Tenant agrees that the Reduction Space shall be surrendered free of all personal property of Tenant.Any personal property of Tenant remaining in the Reduction Space after the Reduction Date is hereby agreed to be abandoned by Tenant and may be disposed of by Landlord, in Landlord’s sole discretion, without obligation or liability of any kind to Tenant.


18.02Removal of Personal Property. Upon the License Termination, Licensee shall remove any Fixtures it may deem desirable, provided it shall repair any damage to the Premises caused by such removal. In the event Licensee does not remove its personal property from the Premises within ten (10) days after Licensee has vacated or abandoned the premises, then such property shall be deemed abandoned by Licensee and at Licensor's option, shall be conclusively deemed to have been conveyed by Licensee to Licensor as by bill of sale without any payment or credit by Licensor to Licensee; thus Licensor may dispose of the same without liability to Licensee, at Licensee's cost and expense. For this section "vacated" shall mean when Licensee gives Licensor the keys to the Premises, and "abandoned" shall mean when Licensee fails to open to the public the Premises for twenty (20) consecutive days.

12/04/2020 (Red Cat Holdings, Inc.)

16.04 Removal of Personal Property. All of Tenant’s Personalty removed from any Property Location by Landlord pursuant to any provisions of this Lease or any Laws may be handled, removed or stored by Landlord at the sole cost and expense of Tenant, and Landlord, in no event, shall be responsible for the value, preservation or safekeeping thereof. Tenant shall pay Landlord for all expenses incurred by Landlord in such removal and storage charges against such property as long as the same is in Landlord’s possession or under Landlord’s control. Subject to Section31.13, all of Tenant’s Personalty not removed from any Property Location or retaken from storage by Tenant within twenty (20)days after the end of the Term applicable to any Property Location, however terminated, at Landlord’s option, shall be conclusively deemed to have been conveyed by Tenant to Landlord as by bill of sale without further payment or credit by Landlord to Tenant.

04/13/2018 (Spirit MTA REIT)

9.3. Removal of Personal Property. No Hotel Borrower shall, without Lender’s prior written consent, suffer, permit or enter into any agreement for any sale, lease, transfer, or in any way encumber or dispose of or grant or suffer any security or other assignment (collateral or otherwise) of or in all or any portion of its Hotel Property.

08/08/2019 (Lodging Fund REIT III, Inc.)

(G) Removal of Personal Property. At the end of the Lease Term, subject to Section 10, Tenant shall, upon notification by Landlord, remove, at Tenant’s sole cost and expense, all of Tenant’s personal property and trade fixtures and restore the Premises to their original condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted.

06/01/2018 (BODY & MIND INC.)

56. Removal of Personal Property. Notwithstanding anything in the Lease to the contrary, Lessee acknowledges and agrees that upon the Commencement Date, the Premises are being delivered with certain existing racking and refrigeration equipment (collectively, the “Existing FF&E”) and Lessee shall not remove, dispose of or replace such Existing FF&E without prior written notice to Lessor. In the event that Lessee elects to dispose of any portion of the Existing FF&E which constitutes racking equipment, then Lessor shall have the right to recover such racking equipment and shall cause such racking equipment to be stored and/or delivered away from the Premises at Lessor’s sole cost and expense. In the event that Lessee elects to dispose of any portion of the Existing FF&E which constitutes refrigeration equipment, then upon the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease, Lessee shall replace such refrigeration equipment with refrigeration equipment comparable to the Existing FF&E refrigeration equipment (in the condition of such equipment as of the Commencement Date) to Lessor’s reasonable satisfaction. Subject to the foregoing, upon the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease, Lessee shall have the right to remove any furniture, fixtures or equipment installed by Lessee in the Premises which were paid for by Lessee.

03/31/2017 (Blue Apron Holdings, Inc.)

11.3 Removal of Personal Property. All articles of personal property owned by Tenant or installed by Tenant at its expense on the Premises (including business and trade fixtures, furniture non-permanent fixtures and movable partitions and those Tenant Changes for which Landlord has consented to Tenant’s removal thereof) shall be, and remain, the property of Tenant, and shall be removed by Tenant from the Premises, at Tenant’s sole cost and expense, on or before the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease. Tenant shall repair any damage caused by such removal.

03/31/2021 (ProPhase Labs, Inc.)

32.Removal of Personal Property. At the expiration of the Lease Term, Lessee may remove all Personal Property from the Premises. Lessee shall repair any damage caused by such removal and shall leave the Premises broom clean and in good and working condition and repair inside and out. Subject to the provisions set forth in Section31, any property of Lessee left on the Premises on the sixtieth (60th) day following the expiration of the Lease Term shall, at Lessor’s option, automatically and immediately become the property of Lessor.

01/20/2017 (Jill Intermediate LLC)

Section 10.07. Removal of Personal Property. All furniture, equipment, and other personal property of Tenant not removed from the Property upon the vacation or abandonment thereof following an uncured default by Tenant or upon the termination of this Lease for any cause whatsoever shall conclusively be deemed to have been abandoned, and may be appropriated, sold, stored, destroyed or otherwise disposed of by Landlord without notice to Tenant and without obligation to account therefor. Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for all reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the disposition of such personal property. Landlord, upon presentation of evidence of a third party’s claim of ownership or security interest in any such abandoned property, may turn over such property to the third party claimant without any liability to Tenant. Tenant shall cause all Tenant’s Customers to remove all of their equipment and other personal property within ninety (90)days following the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease.

09/25/2017 (Switch, Inc.)

6.3. Further Assurances. Each party shall execute and deliver such further documents, and perform such further acts, as may be reasonably necessary to achieve the intent of the parties as expressed in this Sublease. In the case of the Overlandlord and Sublandlord, they agree to execute such documents as Subtenant’s lenders may reasonably require to preserve the lenders’ rights to access Subtenant’s personal property under certain circumstances (i.e., Landlord’s Consent to Removal of Personal Property.) Each party shall deliver reasonable estoppel certificates within ten days after request by the other party.

11/15/2017 (Neothetics, Inc.)

17.1Removal of Personal Property. Tenant agrees that as at the date of termination of this Lease or repossession of the Leased Premises by Landlord, by way of default or otherwise, it shall remove all Personal Property to which it has the right to ownership pursuant to the terms of this Lease. Any and all such property of Tenant not removed by such date shall, at the option of Landlord, irrevocably become the sole property of Landlord. Tenant waives all rights to notice and all common law and statutory claims and causes of action which it may have against Landlord subsequent to such date as regards the storage, destruction, damage, loss of use and ownership of the Personal Property affected by the terms of this Article. Tenant acknowledges Landlord’s need to relet the Leased Premises upon termination of this Lease or repossession of the Leased Premises and understands that the forfeitures and waivers provided herein are necessary to aid said reletting, and to prevent Landlord incurring a loss for inability to deliver the Leased Premises to a prospective Tenant.

03/02/2020 (Quotient Technology Inc.)

(d) Removal of Personal Property.On or before the end of the Term or sooner termination of this Lease, Tenant shall remove all of Tenant’s personal property and trade fixtures from the Premises, and all property not so removed on or before the end of the Term or sooner termination of this Lease shall be deemed abandoned by Tenant and title to same shall thereupon pass to Landlord without compensation to Tenant.Upon termination of this Lease, Landlord may remove all moveable furniture and equipment so abandoned by Tenant, at Tenant’s sole cost, and repair any damage caused by such removal at Tenant’s sole cost.


10.5 Removal of Personal Property. All articles of personal property, and all business and trade fixtures, machinery and equipment (installed by Subtenant and that can be removed without damage to the Building or negatively impacting Building systems unless Subtenant repairs any such damage or mitigates any negative impact), cabinet work, furniture and movable partitions (collectively, the “Subtenant’s Property’), if any, owned or installed by Subtenant at its expense in the Premises shall be and remain the property of Subtenant and may be removed by Subtenant at any time, provided that Subtenant, at its expense, shall repair any damage to the Premises caused by such removal or by the original installation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Subtenant acknowledges and agrees that, pursuant to Section11.3 of the Original Master Lease, removal of any trade fixtures which are affixed to the building or the property or which affect the exterior or structural portions of the Building shall require Master Landlord’s prior written approval; provided, however, should the Consent include a list of trade fixtures which Subtenant shall be allowed to remove from the Premises, then (i)Sublandlord agrees that, subject to the terms of the Consent (and so long as Sublandlord is released by Master Landlord from any obligation or responsibility with respect thereto), it will not have any approval rights in connection therewith, and (ii)Sublandlord shall be deemed to have to consented to the removal of any trade fixtures approved by Master Landlord in accordance with the terms of the Consent. Subtenant shall remove all or any part of the aforementioned property at the expiration or sooner termination of the Sublease and repair any damage caused by such removal and/or installation, all at Subtenant’s expense, and shall otherwise leave the Premises in broom-clean condition in compliance with the terms of Section12.2(c) of the Original Master Lease. Any articles of personal property, or all business and trade fixtures, machinery and equipment, cabinet work, furniture and movable partitions provided by Sublandlord shall remain the property of Sublandlord, and Subtenant shall not remove any of them from the Premises without the prior written consent of Sublandlord.