About the Credit Secrets Book

The 2016 release of Credit Secrets marked a turning point for over 833,000 Americans who benefited from its practical advice on improving their credit scores. Its success story wasn’t just limited to readers; the iconic Larry King himself highlighted its value on national television.

For those burdened by poor credit scores or worried about their financial stability, this book offers straightforward, actionable steps to get back on track. It’s more than just a guide; it’s a toolkit for building a stronger financial foundation for oneself and their family. Every section is packed with tips, advice, and strategies to raise one’s credit scores in the least amount of time.

If your goal is to enhance your financial standing and ensure a stable future, Credit Secrets is the book for you.

Unlock your financial freedom today.


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Book Synopsis

In 2016 we published a little-known book called Credit Secrets to help more Americans raise their credit scores and take back control of their financial lives.

Since then, we’ve helped over 833,000 people learn how to raise their scores and even caught the attention of Larry King — who featured it on national television.

We’re incredibly humbled to have played a part in helping our members improve their financial situations, and we want to help you do the same.

If you’re weighed down by low credit scores, struggling with financial instability and experiencing the constant fear of failing to provide for you and your family, then this little-known book could help guide you through the process of raising your scores and completely turn your financial life around.

All you have to do is trust the process and commit to following everything inside to give yourself the best chance of raising your scores in the shortest time possible — and experience the peace of mind of knowing that no matter what happens to the economy, you’ve secured yourself and your family financially.

If you’re ready to raise your scores, then keep reading.

What You'll Discover Inside

How This Book Can Help You

The Credit Secrets book is a comprehensive guide to mastering your credit and taking charge of your financial future.

But it’s more than just a book — it’s your key to achieving financial freedom.

Discover the Path to a Better Financial Future

The Credit Secrets book gives you the insights, strategies, and techniques you need to transform your credit scores and financial life for the better. You’ll no longer be burdened by the stress of a low credit score, but instead, enjoy the freedom to access loans, credit lines, and low interest rates that you may have thought were out of reach.

It’s time to make those dreams of buying a new home, securing a low-interest mortgage, or driving your dream car a reality.

Join A Program Designed for You

We understand that managing your credit and improving your financial situation can be daunting.

That’s why we are actively turning the Credit Secrets book into a comprehensive program that expands on the topics in the book itself. With the Credit Secrets program, you’re not just getting a book; you’ll also receive access to our step-by-step online video course.

All you need to do is follow along with the videos, do what we tell you and watch your scores rise. You can even watch them from anywhere, at your own pace.

Achieve Your Financial Goals Much Faster Than You Thought Possible

If you want to raise your credit scores faster and achieve your financial goals (whether that’s buying a new home, a new car, getting access to higher credit lines or lower interest rates, etc), the Credit Secrets Program can help you get there. You’ll discover how to tackle credit inquiries, remove inaccuracies from your reports, understand creditor violations, and much, much more.

Gain Financial Peace of Mind

Financial instability and the relentless struggle to make ends meet can all cause us a lot of stress, frustration, and anxiety. But when you take action on the steps we’ve outlined inside the program, you’ll no longer experience the “credit anxiety” that plagues so many Americans with low credit scores.

You will finally be able to buy the things you want and need without having to ask what the price is. You’ll start getting approved for loans with better terms and interest rates. Banks and credit card companies will start approving you for new credit cards and lines of credit with ease. You’ll get that new house you want, that new car you want to drive, go on that vacation you’ve always wanted to go on…

And best of all, you’ll no longer experience the shame of having low credit scores. For once, you can be proud of your scores and have the confidence of knowing that you and your family are on the path to financial freedom and stability.

Reviews About the Credit Secrets Book

“Wow. What an amazing program. I was in the low 500s when I started this program with little hope that anything would be fixed. I am now in the mid 600s and only have been using this for about 8 months. Thank you so much. You guys have changed mine and my family's lives!”

“Credit Secrets is the best thing I’ve ever done for my credit. I followed the advice to increase my scores from the mid 500s to high 600s. Over the years and thanks to the information and their helpful online community, my credit scores hit the 800s earlier this summer. This is hands down the best information available to improve your scores and get the credit you need to live and improve your life. Thank you Credit Secrets!”

Thanks to Credit Secrets, I was able to buy my first house in less than a year. If I can do it, anyone can. I was in the low 500s and am around 730 now. I can’t thank you enough Credit Secrets. Amazing. Just amazing. That’s all I can say.”

“Credit Secrets has been an absolute life changer. I went through a gruesome divorce that left my credit in terrible shape. I was literally at the point of giving up. I found Credit Secrets and worked at following the program and now have a credit score that I can be proud of. The customer service agents and credit experts are amazing. I would definitely recommend Credit Secrets to anyone.”

“After some time getting my credit right, these are the payoffs. I’ve been getting 8k in credit cards from Discover. I now have over 25k in credit cards that have no balances thanks to Credit Secrets.”

“I was able to get approved for 107k. 90% of all applications were put in within a 24 hour period and approved within about a 2 week period.”

“Before this program, I had scores in the low 500s and no understanding of what that meant or what to do with it. With the help from the credit experts and other amazing members going through the program, I’ve been able to raise my scores (so close to the 700 club now) and finally stop getting denied for credit. The Support Team at Credit Secrets is always keeping you up to date with the latest information in the credit world and truly care about your success.”

“Awesome program! The best money I’ve ever spent considering all the money I now save from using this program to get out of the low 400s and into the 700s within 8 months and buy my first house. So many awesome members and the Credit Secrets support staff helping everyone. I can’t say enough good things about this program.