How to Create Table of Contents in Excel (6 Suitable Ways)

How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

We will use a sample dataset, which has 2 Columns, Product and Sales, across 5 worksheets, Dataset, Sales of January, Sales of February, Sales of March, and Sales of April.

Method 1 – Using HYPERLINK Function to Create a Table of Contents in Excel

=HYPERLINK("#'Sales of January'!A1"," January Sales Data")

Formula Breakdown

How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

=HYPERLINK("#'Sales of February'!A1"," February Sales Data")

How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

Method 2 – Applying Excel Power Query for Creating a Table of Contents


A window named Import Data will appear.

How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

A dialog box named Navigator will appear.

You will see the following Power Query Editor window.

How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

A dialog box named Import Data will appear.

You will see the following Contents.

How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

To create the link, follow the procedure given below.


Here, we selected the name of the worksheet from cell B5 (Dataset).

Formula Breakdown

You will see the following Table of Contents.

How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

Method 3 – Using the Mouse Cursor to Create a Table of Contents in Excel


How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

We have attached a GIF.

How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

Method 4 – Applying Keyboard Shortcuts


A dialog box named Insert Hyperlink will appear.

How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

You will see the following Content with a link.

You will see the following Table of Contents.

How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

Method 5 – Use the Context Menu Bar to Create the Table of Contents in Excel


A dialog box named Insert Hyperlink will appear.

How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

You will see the following Content with a link.

You will see the following Table of Contents.

How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

Method 6 – Using VBA Code to Create the Table of Contents


How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

Sub Table_of_contents() Dim Alert_data As Boolean Dim numb As Long Dim Sheet_Index As Worksheet Dim Sheet As Variant Alert_data = Application.DisplayAlerts Application.DisplayAlerts = False On Error Resume Next Sheets("Table of contents").Delete On Error GoTo 0 Set Sheet_Index = Worksheets("VBA") numb = 1 Cells(1, 1).Value = "Table of contents" For Each Sheet In ThisWorkbook.Sheets If Sheet.Name <> "Table of contents" Then numb = numb + 1 Sheet_Index.Hyperlinks.Add Cells(numb, 1), "", "'" & Sheet.Name & "'!A1", , Sheet.Name End If Next Application.DisplayAlerts = Alert_data End Sub

Code Breakdown

How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

You will see the following Table of Contents which has all the worksheets.

How to Create Table of Contents in Excel

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Create Table of Contents.xlsm

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