Sanitary Sewer Connection Permits

When connecting to a main sanitary sewer line or making a repair to an existing line, a sewer permit must be purchased from the Regional Office that maintains the respective sewers. For questions regarding the townships that each District serves, please check the District Map & Information.

Permits can be emailed or mailed ahead of time, and can be processed by a check attached to the application or a credit card payment over the phone. Refer to the District Map & Information link above for the correct phone number. Permits for Central region can be emailed to , for Northern region to , and for Southern Region to .

To purchase a Sewer Permit:

  1. Fill out Sewer Permit Application - please complete all information and be sure to sign the Application. A Permit Application will be returned if not signed.
  2. District Map & Information - Find out which District contains the address where the Sewer work is being done. For questions or more specific information, please contact the appropriate Regional Office.
  3. Permit & Inspection Fee Schedule - Locate your Total Fee on this chart; Checks or money orders are accepted for payment, and should be payable to "Erie County Comptroller." Credit cards are accepted (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express), additional fees apply based on total cost.
  4. List of Town & Village Assessors – Use this chart to find the Town or Village Assessor in your area, to obtain a valid SBL Number (Section Block and Lot Number) for the lot where the Sewer work is being done. You can also obtain this information by visiting the Real Property Website used by the Erie County Department of Real Property Tax Services.
  5. Refer to attached guidance on Workers' Compensation Insurance Forms Accepted to ensure you are in compliance. All forms have the policy holder as "Erie County Sewer Districts, 95 Franklin Street, Room 1034, Buffalo, NY 14202"
  6. Send a Check or Money Order and the completed and signed Sewer Permit Application to the corresponding Regional Office for review and approval.
  7. If approved, a Sewer Permit will be mailed to you.
  8. Did you remember to.

For further assistance, please refer to the Glossary of Permit Terms and Frequently Asked Questions.

Connection permits expire 180 days after the date of issuance. If the sewer work is not completed within the 180-day time frame, it is necessary to purchase a $2.00 Renewal Permit.

It is also necessary to obtain a Permit ($2.00) when making a Repair to your sewer lateral or Disconnecting your lateral from the main sewerline. Repair and Disconnect permits expire 30 days after issuance, at that time it is necessary to purchase a $2.00 Renewal Permit.

*Please call your corresponding Regional Office if you have any questions pertaining to this process.*

Rules and Regulations for Erie County Sewer Districts Section 301 states:

No Person shall uncover, make any connection to, opening into, use, alter, or disturb any District Sanitary Sewer or appurtenance thereof without a permit. Connection shall be permitted under Inspection only with a written permit from the District. The owner or his agent shall make application for a permit for connection or other work pertaining to the Sewerage System on the form furnished by the District Office, supplemented by any plans, specifications or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the District. Plans are required for Multiple Dwellings, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, or Public Buildings. All applications for non-residential connections shall provide information on proposed Wastewater discharges, or if none, a certification that no Industrial Waste will be discharged. For connections where oil and grease may be discharged, calculations for separators shall be provided.

The application becomes a permit to connect when signed by a District representative. Applications when made by the owner's agent, must show written authorization from the property owner. The property owner or his agent shall also obtain all necessary State, County, Town or Village permits. The applicant shall advise the District, and if required, the municipality when the connection is ready for Inspection.